Money Mindset Cards are rooted in the belief that all people are good with money. Choose a card and start a conversation that leverages strengths, develops financial confidence, and builds financial control. With a deeper understanding of unique needs and desires, people can connect to relevant financial services and education.
Use the cards at home or work, one-on-one, or in a group. Combine multiple cards to create a full workshop, or incorporate them into existing curricula or professional development.

Are you Interested in hosting a private workshop for your organization, or purchasing five or more sets Money Mindset Cards at discount? Contact our Financial Educator Devin Stubblefield.
Money Mindset Card Design and Evalution
Leaders of workforce development programs have been taking the initiative to integrate financial literacy and capability services into their own curriculum and services. However, this requires resources, knowledge, and capacity that workforce development programs may not have. With support from JPMorgan Chase & Co., The Prosperity Agenda partnered with two workforce development programs with the goal of answering, “How might we improve the financial wellness of graduates in career development programs?”